Carpinteria Beach Vacation Rentals FAQs

How do I make a reservation?

You can call us, send us an email, or fill out our inquiry form online. We look forward to hearing from you! (805-684-4101)

Can I rent a condo for one night?

NO, we have a three-night minimum stay which can be reserved one month prior to your arrival, perfect for a long weekend getaway. 

What are the rates?

The rates change depending on the season. In the summer it’s $2800 to $$4100 a week.  In the winter, it’s $2100 to $2800 a week or $3200 to $4500 a month, except for the Months of June and September when the rates are  $3400 to $5,000.  Check our Rates & Reservations for more information or contact us.  We also have Berm Rates for the first floor beach front units of $4000 per month when the Berm is up.

Do you have an elevator?

Yes, we do! We also have luggage carts to enable you to move your possessions to your condo with ease.

What is “the berm”?

The berm is a protective wall of sand that is built in mid-November and gets taken down when the City of Carpinteria deems it to be unnecessary, usually in the beginning of March. It protects all of the beachfront properties in Carpinteria from winter swells and storms. While it protects us, it does block the view of the ocean from our first floor beachfront condos.  

Can I bring my pet with me?


Do you offer AAA, senior, or other discounts?

Because each condo is individually owned and priced, we’re unable to give these types of discounts.

What should I bring?

As much or as little as you’d like! All of the condos are fully furnished and have kitchens with everything you’ll need. If you’d prefer us to provide the Bed Linens, Bath Towels, Wash Cloths, Bath Mats, Etc. please let us know. If not, please save some space in your luggage for towels and sheets. Blankets, comforters, and pillows are included.

How many parking spaces are available for each condo?

Each condo has one parking space inside our gated lot. There is also free street parking right in front of our complex and the only “No Parking” time is Tuesdays between 9:00 am and 11:00 am.

Do all vacation rental condos at Carpinteria Shores have ocean views?

Yes, with the exception of the berm season for the first floor beachfront, all condos have beautiful views of the ocean. Ground floor condos on the South side of the building (#102 & #103) may only have partial ocean views, depending on the number of cars parked at a given time in the lot at the end of Linden Street. However, no overnight parking is allowed in that lot so you’ll be able to see the ocean starting around late evening.

Can we have guests come to visit?

Yes, but remember a maximum of only four to six people (DEPENDING ON THE CONDO) can stay OVERNIGHT in a condo on any given night. The person whose name the reservation is in must be present for any overnight guests, unless previous arrangements are made with management. No subletting allowed.

Do you have any one-bedrooms or studios?

No, all of our condos are two-bedroom, one bath.

Do condos at Carpinteria Shores ever come up for sale?

While it happens occasionally, it is usually quite rare. Once you've visited us, you'll understand why!

Are there BBQ's available for use?

Yes, we have two propane fueled barbecues on our second floor barbecue deck.  We also have full sized picnic tables for you to use, as well as heaters should it get a little chilly in the evenings.  PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT BARBECUES ARE NOT ALLOWED ON OUR PATIOS OR DECKS.

Is smoking permitted?

There is a NO SMOKING POLICY ANYWHERE ON OUR GROUNDS.  Also, the City of Carpinteria has a no smoking policy which is strictly enforced.